Saturday, December 13, 2008

Let Him In

Some of my friends decided for the month of December to post how they can let Christ into their lives more, and came up with a title of "Let Him In." Each day they blog about what they did to let Christ into their day by their actions or words or feelings. It inspired me to want to do the same and share with others. Thank you Joni, Julie, and Karen! Oh, and I borrowed Joni's and Becca's music too! Thanks!


Julie said...

That's great you are going to do this. I have really enjoyed doing this and it has helped me be closer to Him. It makes you sit down and think about Him and the many things He has done for us. It has also helped me to keep up a journal. I love doing it. How are you doing anyway? I have been thinking about you and hope things are going okay. What are you doing for Christmas? Joni said you were going to be alone Christmas day. You should come over to my Mom's when we are all there and have dinner with us. You are very welcome to come. I don't want you to spend it alone. Thank's for the offer of the soup, that was nice of you. I am feeling better, just starting to get hungry after 3 days. Hope no one else gets it. Well, have a good day and think about coming over on Christmas. Love ya

Joni said...

Carole, I'm so glad you are doing this! Maybe it can bring you comfort as you go through your trials! I know that if we really let him in we are able to feel his spirit more and our day's don't seem as long! I love you and I am so grateful for our friendship and for your sweet smile!! Remember you are welcome at my house on Christmas or any other day you need someone! I'm always here for you! Hey, do you want to go to Temple Square with us? We would have fun!!!! Have a great day!